Product Description
There are 2 distinct types of water meter reading systems that are great for mobile home parks:
1) A cloud-based wireless system that can be accessed at any time, from anywhere.
These Wireless Water Metering Systems for Mobile Home Parks include a gateway, pulse output water meters, and transceivers at minimum. You can add accessories such as repeaters (if needed), check valves (recommended), and insulating jackets (if needed). All of the data collected by the system is then available for viewing or download via a web browser or mobile app.
These systems can be used with a variety of meters. The only requirement is that the meter has a pulse output or encoded output. For systems in Mobile Home Parks, the meters should be pit rated since they will almost always be installed outside of the home. There are 3 different meters available to choose from on this page. If you need different meters for any reason, give us a call and we will help you put together a custom system with the types of meters that you need.
2) A system that has Wall Pads connected (via wire) to each meter and Touch Reader is used to read each meter.
This system only works with the Neptune ProCoder T10. In order to get a reading, someone has to take the pocket ProReader and simply touch it to the wall pad that is attached to the meter with a wire.